Name: C'aelia Vhalar
Gender: Female
Race: Miqo'te
Clan: Seeker of the Sun
Nameday: 12th Sun of the 4th Umbral Moon
Age: 25
Height: 158 cm (5'2”)
Family: Vhalar Nunh and I'lhune Edrah (parents, deceased), Hilbert Redmond (adoptive grandfather, deceased) C'ynant Tia (older brother)
Guardian: Azeyma, The Warden
Job: BardLikes: Singing, playing lyre and lute, reading, dancing, nature and forests, traveling, fluffy animals (specially her Tora-jiro), making bad jokes, partying (and getting drunk) when she has free time, her fellow Scions, meeting new people, lavender fragance, sunny weather, fishing.Dislikes: Cold weather and rainy days, cooking, formal meetings and burocracy, chocobo races (due having worked as a Chocobo mascot at Gold Saucer), lack of empathy, remembering certain things from her past.Personality: Easygoing, extroverted and sometimes snarky, C'aelia had a not-so-easy life that toughened her up. Despite this, she still retains kindness in her heart. She used to be very impulsive and stubborn, which improved as she grew up. More practical than idealistic, she still has a hard time concealing her emotions.
Caelia's pretty physical expressing affection to her loved ones, though she knows when to respect boundaries.
She never had a serious romantic relationship nor she felt she needed one, but some hook-ups from time to time both with men and women.
Her greatest fear is losing the people she loves; something that, unfortunately, already happened several times in her life and led her to panic attacks and nightmares.
Daughter of Vhalar Nunh and I'lhune Edrah, C'aelia was born in the C tribe, with its settlement in the Cieldalaes. But little was the time she spent living there. After the death of Vhalar Nunh, C'aelia's mother abandoned the tribe with her daughter, still a baby.She moved to a little village in Western La Noscea where she raised and trained her with the bow. Young C'aelia often liked to sing and visit her neighbor Redmond, an elder hyur and former scholar whom she considered like a grandfather. He taught her how to read and write and lent her lots of books; she discovered she enjoyed learning.When she was fifteen, the Sahagin attacked her village, in retalation for some hateful villagers murdering members of their tribe. This caused a massive slaughter, C'aelia being one of the few survivors.Now alone in the world, she tried to make a living as a bard going from town to town, but the young miqo'te wasn't very successful. Sometimes she had to resort to taking other not-so-pleasant jobs or even stealing; something that got her in trouble with Rivaine Davreaux and other pirates from Limsa Lominsa a couple of times. She worked with them for a time, as their eyes and ears for rumors and gossip in the city, and developed a relationship of colleagues with benefits with Rivaine.After the 7th Umbral Calamity, C'aelia started having strange visions of people's past. Decided to start a new life with that newfound power, she traveled to Gridania to join the Adventurer's Guild...

Rivaine Davreaux
This proud and smug pirate from Limsa Lominsa (micknamed "The Black Dragon") and captain of the Stormcry, had a complicated relationship with C'aelia since she was the cause his crew lost a really important plunder.
Because certain circumstances, they had to work together and they hooked up from time to time, but it was never something serious.
Rivaine disappeared afther the 7th Umbral Calamity, presumably dead.

C'ynant Tia
Caelia's older brother from the same father. They didn't spend much time together in the C tribe since after their father's death, C'aelia's mother took her to another place. C'ynant remained in the C tribe with his own mother. He never took much interest in learning to fight despite being good at it. Serious and stoic, C'ynant abandoned his tribe at 18, decided to pursue his true field of interest: finances. He moved to Ul'dah where a skilled merchant took him under his wing as an apprentice.
When C'aelia's name started sounding all around Eorzea for her Primal slaying deeds, C'ynant recognized the young girl as her long lost sister and tried to approach her. Despite many years appart, the siblings reconnected easily. C'ynant started working as a personal retainer for C'aelia besides his merchant job.

I'thlenn Valstorm
This young miqo'te used to be an orphan who got adopted by a rich hyur couple from Ul'dah, thus taking their surname. When she was old enough, she moved to live by herself to Costa del Sol, as she loved the sun and the sea. As C'aelia's popularity as the Primal Slayer began spreading across Eorzea she got more and more interested in that incredible girl who was almost her age. She was able to meet her briefly during the banquet at Costa del Sol, but had a better opportunity after the events at Praetorium. She invited C'aelia to her mansion, and the immediate spark between them resulted in a crazy night together. They repeated often, and became somewhat friends with benefits.
Aku Crimson
C'aelia met this Keeper of the Moon on her first days as an adventurer, when she wanted to travel to Ul'dah but didn't have enough money to pay for an airship ticket. The guy took pity of her and gave her a ride to the city-state.
Little she knew this miqo'te was actually a renowned gillionaire and one of the heroes of the 7th Umbral Calamity. She still comes across him from time to time, but he keeps being a mystery.
Lyse Hext (4.0 spoilers)
Yda and Papalymo were the first Scions that C'aelia met. She was amused by their interactions and how cheerful and dramatic that masked girl was. She quickly took a liking to Yda and was always eager to meet her every time she had to return to the Waking Sands/Rising Stones.
When Papalymo died, C'aelia vowed to herself to always protect Yda, now Lyse, and to be always there for her when she needed it. Through her journey reclaiming Ala Mhigo, C'aelia started to develop feelings for Lyse, but decided to keep them to herself; Lyse was currently leading a revolution, the last thing she needed was to bother her with her own feelings.
Little by little, C'aelia understood where Lyse's place and heart belonged, and it was painful to realize that it was not with the Scions and her; but the promise remained, she'd always be there for Lyse whenever she needed it.

Urianger Augurelt (5.0 spoilers)
C'aelia always considered Urianger an intriguing person, but it wasn't until Moenbryda arrived at the Rising Stones that she found him endearing, seeing the most human side of him. The grief he felt when she died impressed C'aelia since it wasn't usual for the cryptic elezen to show his emotions.
The events with the Warrior of Darkness made a great impact on the miqo'te, and despite feeling a bit of resentment for Urianger concealing his plans, she forgave him. She had no doubts he was a good person.C'aelia started to hang out more with him during Shadowbringers, and this helped both to know each other better. She started realizing that little things like discovering how disorganized he was or his inability to swim made her unconsciously smile. The thing she didn't realize it was that she started falling for him, until his heart to heart with Ryne in Amh Araeng.
When Urianger asked her for forgiveness before going to The Tempest she simply smiled and caressed his face. There was no need for it, and also being aware of her potential terrible destiny, she didn't want to die with regrets: She confessed to him in a private moment but asked for nothing in return. They had a most crucial mission, to save the world. There would be other time to talk about feelings. Or maybe not.
It turned out things worked out, as we know. The end of Shadowbringers was the beginning of C'aelia and Urianger's relationship. A somewhat clumsy, but firm beginning.

G'raha Tia (5.3 spoilers)
G'raha is probably one of C'aelia's closest friends. She clicked with him really well since they met during the The Crystal Tower exploration (they were both bards with a nerdy side), and having to say him goodbye really weighted in her heart. Since the Crystal Exarch revelation, the two of them reconnected. C'aelia really admires G'raha's strength of will and loyalty, as a ruler and a friend. His dorky side is what makes him even more endearing to her, and she loves showering him with hugs and teasing him about his height (to which he always replies, trying to look serious and failing "you are the same height as I am!").
Credits from left to right: @tamaffxiv (x2) @bobachalatte, @redbeersake (x2), @hasuyawwn, @PP_ezro (x2), @vavafle_, @Squaffle, @kra_ , @kukumomoart, @kobacake, @dakiarts, @beriuos, @miichiyochin
My doodles
Random assorted stuff that doesn't fit elsewhere:■ C'aelia manjuu designed by me, Urianger manjuu by @tamaffxiv
■ C'aelia figure by TopClayArts
■ C'aelia plush by Meizai
■ C'aelia's glamour collection
■ Various character and relationship charts and sheets.
■ Orphan Skebs (the author deleted their twitter/Skeb)